Brian Sumner

Professional Skateboarder, Passionate Christ Follower, Preacher

Brian Sumner is a professional skateboarder and passionate Christ follower. He is featured in the film Hardflip and most recently in part of the I Am Second church campaign. 

Travels From:
Huntington Beach, CA

Booking Fee:
Call 866-400-2036 for a quote

In 2004, after finding himself divorced and doing community service, Brian encountered Jesus Christ and his life changed dramatically. He remarried the woman he was once divorced from, had two more children, and his life changed direction, as he began to use his skating platform to point people to Jesus Christ.

Today Brian travels the world preaching and teaching at churches, conferences, festivals, and sharing The Gospel at outreaches. Brian is often invited in to share the story of how God reconciled his marriage and brought him back from feeling suicidal. He preaches all things Bible, topical, Mens Conferences, Marriage Conferences with his wife, evangelism, youth services, and often helps the church with outreaches on Saturdays. 

Brian is also a part of the ‘I Am Second’ church campaign, and was most recently featured in Billy Grahams "My Hope" Evangelistic video series.

In 2009 Brian wrote, and produced, "Foolishness" a 60 minute skateboard film with the purpose of presenting The Gospel to skateboarders worldwide. With over 50,000 copies in production, "Foolishness" went on to win "I.C.V.M Crown Award for "best Evangelistic Film" 2013.

Brian also recently self published "Never Fails", a 30 day Marriage devotion aimed at helping couples understand Gods plan in marriage. He travels with his wife often as they share together on their marriage. 

"The honor was all ours.  [Brian] is probably the best speaker we have had from Outreach.  Many people commented on how real and friendly both he and his family were both in the pulpit and one-on-one." - Rick Gunn, Pastor, Solid Ground Church, Yucaipa, CA

John Piper commented that, "Brian Sumner’s skate-studded DVD, “Foolishness,” is the fullest 60-minute Gospel word I’ve heard.”

In 2004, after finding himself divorced and doing community service, Brian encountered Jesus Christ and his life changed dramatically. He remarried the woman he was once divorced from, had two more children, and his life changed direction, as he began to use his skating platform to point people to Jesus Christ.

Today Brian travels the world preaching and teaching at churches, conferences, festivals, and sharing The Gospel at outreaches. Brian is often invited in to share the story of how God reconciled his marriage and brought him back from feeling suicidal. He preaches all things Bible, topical, Mens Conferences, Marriage conferences with his wife, Evangelism, youth services, and often helps the church with outreaches on Saturday. 

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