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Christian Speaker AC Green has won three NBA Championships with the L.A. Lakers and owns the NBA Iron Man Title, having played in 1,192 straight games.
baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">A.J. Swoboda (PhD, Birmingham) is assistant professor of Bible, theology and World Christianity at Bushnell University and lead mentor for the Doctor of Ministry Program at Fuller Theological Seminary on the Holy Spirit and Leadership. He is the author of many books, including After Doubt (Brazos). He lives, works, and raises chickens in Eugene, Oregon.
Caleb Kaltenbach is the Lead Pastor of Discovery Church in Simi Valley, CA. He’s the author of Messy Grace and God of Tomorrow (2017 release).  In Messy Grace, Caleb writes about growing up in the LGBT community, finding Jesus, and learning that love doesn’t require a shift in theology.
Award-winning journalist for ESPN. Published author. Founder of The K.I.N.G. Christian Men’s Movement. On-air NBA thought leader (ESPN, ABC). Chris is a game changer, fueling audiences with exciting new ideas, mindsets, attitudes and solutions.
Chris Swanson is a 4 time Ironman finisher, an author, college instructor, Sheriff in Flint Michigan, and a motivational speaker. He has a passion for changing lives and he has dedicated his life's work to doing so through passionate teaching and personal motivation.
Daniel Fusco is the lead pastor of Crossroads Community Church, which has campuses in Vancouver, Washington and Portland, Oregon. He is a conference speaker, a jazz musician, and published author of Ahead of the Curve, Honestly and Upward, Inward, Outward. He lives in Washington with his wife, Lynn, and their three children.
Daniel Ritchie was born without arms and spent the majority of his life being told that he was a hopeless mistake and woefully insufficient to lead a full life.  But, God used a preacher to share with Daniel just how much God loved him.  The preacher explained that he was not a mistake, but rather “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139) and it was there, at the age of 15, that Daniel accepted Christ as his Lord & Savior.
Dominique Dawes is a retired United States artistic gymnast. Known in the gymnastics community as 'Awesome Dawesome,' she is  3-time Olympic gymnast and a motivational speaker to athletes, young women, university students, and organizations everywhere. 
Former NFL quarterback, author, featured speaker at Iron Sharpens Iron men’s conferences who is passionate about marriage, family and leadership.
Dr. Jeff Myers is president of Summit Ministries, a highly respected worldview training program whose tens of thousands of graduates are making a difference in politics, law, academics, medicine, science, and business. In the last 20 years Dr. Myers has become one of America’s most respected authorities on youth leadership development. Focus on the Family founder James Dobson referred to him as “a very gifted and inspirational young leader.”