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Christian Comedian Nick Arnette is a stand-up comedian that provides clean, Christian comedy for church events, and is perfect for all ages.
American author, speaker, and counselor, Steve Arterburn is the radio talk-show host of New Life Live, and founder of New Life Ministries and Women of Faith.
His video 'Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus' has over 24 million views on YouTube! He is also the author of Jesus > Religion and blogs at  
Christian Hollywood Producer, Founder of, and Passionate Speaker
Christian Magician and Illusionist Dana Daniels and his bird, Luigi, provide clean Christian comedy for your church comedy night, Christian event or outreach ministry.
Justin and Trisha Davis are the founders of RefineUs Marriage Ministries, with a mission to restore hope and renew relationships. 

normal; font-feature-settings: normal; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-variation-settings: normal;"> As a founding member of the band FFH (Far From Home). After selling over two million albums and playing thousands of concerts, Jeromy and his wife Jennifer moved to South Africa to begin to dream about their next chapter. They returned with a vision to live a quieter life and raise their family in a healthy, sustainable way. That vision led them to California where they served a local community and received the necessary training needed to direct others in their own healing. 

Bill and Pam Farrel are international speakers and relationship specialists, dedicating themselves to building up marriages and families.
Christian Speaker Rod Hairston served as  chaplain and life-coach for the NFL’s Baltimore Ravens for more than twelve seasons. He is also the senior and founding pastor of Messiah Community Church in Maryland, a church dedicated to developing a culture where families of any size, with any challenges, can become salt and light in a society of decaying family life.
As a former pastor, Matt Heard escorts us on a journey of discovery: that Jesus didn't come to save us from our humanity- Christ instead yearns to restore it to what God originally intended.  Matt seeks to articulate- in a comfortable, clear and compelling manner- truth that doesn't just inform but fuels and motivates transformation in practical ways.
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